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TITLE:  Fear Jehovah / Serve other gods
TEXT:  2 Kings 17:23-33
PROPOSITION:  Some people claim God, but do not obey Him.
KEY WORD:  Aspects
SCRIPTURE READING:  2 Kings 17:32-33


  1. This passage explains – The Jews have no dealings with Samaritans
  2. We can see one the greatest difficulties in the Christian life.
  3. Assyria – moved in conquered replacements for 10 tribes taken captive
  4. Imported people brought their gods with them
  5. Samaria became a mixture of Jehovah AND pagan gods

They Feared Jehovah – but fear is not enough motive in religion

1.        Fear drive to negative, empty life, rather than service

  1. It leads to a minimum religion – How far do I have to go?
  2. It causes people to go to church – but that is all.
  3. Christian’s motive is LOVE – not fear. (1 John 4:18; 2 Corinthians 5:14)


Served Their Own gods

In religion
  1. Family tradition – My parents were ____. So I will be.”
  2. Denominational authority

                                                               i.      A. Campbell – The Bible in on their lips, but the creeds are in their hearts.”

                                                              ii.      Episcopal homosexual bishop – That should not happen. But we must stay with the organized religion.

    1. Church back home – Things aren’t like at home.
In life
  1. Business – Can’t serve 2 masters – Matthew 6:24
  2. Social – Who sets your standards for dress and conduct?
  3. Moral – Who is your authority in right and wrong?


  1. Do you SERVE God – or just FEAR Him?
  2. If you love God, why not serve Him?


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